Monday 10 January 2011

Guerilla advertisement research.

Guerrilla marketing is an unconventional system of promoting, which relies on time, energy and imagination, shying away from big marketing budgets. Guerrilla advertising will come across to people as intresting, eye catching and can also come across as very creative and artistic in a way. What interests me about this type of advertisement is how they are using an area of busy people going about their business to get the message across for what this advertisement is aimed at. The advertisement is clearly about pets and the common parasites that can infest domestic pets, such as fleas and ticks, that can easily become worse if left untreated. So this advertisement is trying to express the importance of dealing with an infestionation, and doing so by using their product Frontline.

 This image above, is trying to advertise for volunteers to give blood. The catch is, if not already blatently obvious, the owner carrying a bag with an image of a blood bag on it, with the tube leading up into the owners hand, giving the illiusion the tube is in the persons vein on their wrist.

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