Monday 17 January 2011

Tv advertisement

The first video I have linked is an advertisement for Skoda, in which they literally make a cake in the form of the new car that went on sale at the time. What I like about this, is the fact they actually did make the car entirely out of cake, but also a saddening fact is the cake could not be eaten at all, due to health and safety policy.

The second video is the lastest advertisement for the new Skoda car, this time around they are creating the car out of evil, whereas the first video was based on being sweet.

The third advert I have chosen, is the Go Compare advert. Which in my personal opinion and judging from reactions, many others aswell, is an incredibly annoying advert. But I think that was possibly the idea behind this advert, to be so annoying that it grabs your attention. Even if that wasn't the idea for this advert, it certainly works.

The fourth advert I have linked, is an advert for SpecSavers, it gives off the impression it's an advert for Lynx body spray, but then has a humorous surprise at the end.

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