Sunday 16 January 2011

Kinect advertisement

Kinect is the revolution of xbox 360 gaming, designed to use your body and voice as the controller. This opens the xbox 360 gaming up to much larger audience, it allows players to be alot more interactive and practical with gaming. Some examples of the games playable with the Kinect sensor are like, dancing games, sports and fitness games, interacting with whatevers on screen, one example would be a game called Kincetimals, which allows you to interactive with an on screen animal, such as petting the animal. These types of games playable on the Kinect open up to much larger audience, such as dancing games are appealing to just about all ages and interests, for whether it's on your own, with friends or family, or a party.
The video I have linked is the release advertisement for Kinect. In the video it goes through different scenes of different people of different ages interacting in different way with Kinect. You can judge quite easily by their movements what type of game they are playing, I feel this advert is great for showing how it can be appealing to all types of people and ages, showing scenes of people playing in their houses, work places, gyms and such, playing on their own, with friends or family.

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