Wednesday 12 January 2011

Tron Legacy Review

Back in 1982, the original Tron was written and directed by Steven Lisberger, which was a great hit for a stylish and visually fascinating science fiction movie. Now it's 2010 and Joseph Kosinski brings the sequel Tron: Legacy, produced by Walt Disney pictures.
The synopsis of the plot is basically brought down to Kevin Flynn(Jeff Bridges), a innovative software engineer who created 'The Grid' Which is where the film is based around in both the original and the sequel, which is basically like a motherboard system, which runs programmes. So Kevin Flynn disappears and about fifteen minutes into the film, his son Sam gets a surprising page from his father at his old arcade. And this is where just like in the original, Sam gets warped into the 'The Grid'. Now dealing with the alien like dimension he is in, Sam try's to deal with where he is, where his father went and how to get out.
I'm going to begin with what I thought were the best parts about this film. Firstly I would say the soundtrack really set the bar for this film. Being composed by the Electronic duo Daft Punk, this really set the right tone for the film with pulsating retro synthetic beats. 
Visually, this film is rather impressive. The 'The Grid' is a setting that actually feels as if it's inside some technical computer system, making viewers quite emerged. 

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